Monday, August 17, 2009

CHICAGO Save the Dates!!

The spectacular Moulin Rouge and it's accomplished Directress Xanthia Lisle once again bring the live stage performance of Chicago to the stage in Second Life for you!

The Moulin Rouge Revue presents a new production of an old classical Broadway musical that has been dazzling its fans since its first RL debut in 1975 -
CHICAGO! Showtimes:
Friday, Aug 28, 2009 7-9pm SL
Saturday, Aug 29, 2009 2-4pm SL
Sunday, Aug 30, 2009 7-9pm

CHICAGO spins a seductive web of intrigue by offering a glimpse into the “glamorous” side of crime in the 1920’s as we are walked through the struggles and trials of the murderesses inhabiting Chicago’s Cook County jail. Crime has never looked so good as each number draws you in through spectacular songs with attention getting lyrics and fabulous dancing that will leave you at the edge of your seat.

The Moulin Rouge Revue goes all out to provide show stopping entertainment featuring spectacular numbers and stage sets designed by our talented directors Xanthia Lisle and Evangelina Manhattan. Our seasoned cast of Moulin Rouge Revue dancers will “Razzle Dazzle” you leaving you begging for more.

The Moulin Rouge, owned by Madame Kris Harmison is a Neo-Victorian Role Play sim, we role-play in the early turn of the century as an alternate reality. Neo-Victorian is an aesthetic movement, which amalgamates Victorian and Edwardian aesthetic sensibilities with modern principles and technologies

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